August 30, 1910—Roger Bushell’s Birthday

August 30, 1910—Roger Bushell’s Birthday

Posted by On Aug 30, 2013 In Uncategorized


From Dorothea Bushell’s undated diary

“On the morning of August 30th 1910, after hours of raging storms where lightening ripped the heavens above and thunder crashed above our house on Springs [sic], Roger was born.”

…”The [Catholic] Sister crossed the room and drew back the window curtain. On the deep blue S.African sky a torch of flaming gold was embroidered. She turned towards me and said, ‘Do you know that when Haley’s Comet is in the sky a great man dies and a great man is born?’ I understood the inference, smiled at the apparent absurdity of it; but loved her for saying it.”

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